SITELINK-micro Products
The Sitelink platform is a monitoring and control solution for applications within Building Automation. Sitelink can operate with a permanent or temporary connection to Sitelink Cloud Services or as a stand-alone device on site.

BMS Integration
The Sitelink-micro/GW1 Gateway supports integration of Modbus devices with Trend BMS controllers, allowing up to 1000 read/write bindings between control strategy and Modbus points. The Sitelink also supports remote connectivity of BMS engineering software over both broadband and 3G to allow remote engineering of the BMS control strategy. Remote reading and writing of BMS outstation values from the Cloud are also supported using the Sitelink REST API.

Site Monitoring
The Sitelink-micro/GW1 Gateway can be used as a remote monitoring solution for applications such as metering and condition monitoring. Modbus data points can be logged within the cloud database or queried by client software using the Sitelink REST API.

Custom Control Solutions
The Sitelink-micro/GW1 Gateway can be supplied with customised control strategy and web graphics for multi-site control and monitoring applications. The solution allows installation and commissioning using a mobile phone, and can be commissioned as part of a normal electrical installation without the need for specialist engineers on site. The Sitelink can be supplied pre-configured in a control panel with an active 3G connection. Advanced commissioning can be performed remotely via the cloud platform.

Cloud Platform
The Sitelink Cloud platform is a cloud based management and visualisation tool. If the Sitelink has a Broadband or 3G connection it can be remotely configured from the Cloud platform.
Custom graphical pages can be created to allow users to remotely view and commission the Sitelink hardware, as well as viewing live data points, datalogs and alarms.
The Cloud platform can be configured to log data from the Sitelink and attached controllers, data is stored in a cloud database and can be accessed for graphing and file export. Datapoints on site can also be monitored for alarm conditions and are logged in the cloud database and can be used to generate e-mail alarm notifications

Sitelink APIs
Embed Modbus data points in webpages using the Javascript API and PHP API
Directly read Modbus points in JSON, XML or Plain Text using the JSON/XML API