SITELINK-micro/GW1 Gateway
The Sitelink-micro/GW1 Gateway is a gateway for remote monitoring and integration between BMS controllers and Modbus hardware. The Gateway can be used locally at the site level for integration, and can also be cloud connected for remote monitoring, engineering, datalogging and alarming.
The Gateway supports secure tunnelling to allow remote access to BMS web servers and engineering ports over both broadband and 3G.
Remote cloud access also allows remote Modbus and BMS queries to be performed and to remotely log datapoints directly to cloud databases.
- 1 x RS485 Com Port
- 4 x USB 2 Ports supporting Serial to USB
- Up to 16 Virtual Ports supporting local and remote Ethernet serial interfaces
- Drivers for Modbus-RTU, Modbus-TCP and Trend Textcomms
- Port-to-Port point bindings for data point exchange between systems
- Secure access from cloud to site web servers and engineering ports
- Cloud connectivity via broadband or roaming 3G
- Cloud datalogs and alarm generation

Remote BMS Connectivity
Remote Datalogging and Monitoring, with secure engineering and webpage cloud access.

Remote Modbus Connectivity
Remote Datalogging and Monitoring of Modbus devices

BMS / Modbus Integration
Integration of multiple Modbus networks into BMS control strategy, with optional cloud connectivity for management and logging.

Point Bindings
Bindings can be created between any two points in any of the attached devices. Bindings can be configured to update at a specified rate, or to perform updates only when the value changes.